Q1 : What is your feeling when you first see yourself on television?
It is very Fun.
Q2 : When you're singing in concert, how do you feel?
i will sing and also try to express my thinking to my fans.
Q3 : If you're in a concert and you realise that your zip is open, how will you react?
This havent happen to me before but it does i just zip it back naturally.
Q4 : Whose concert do you wanna go?
A Female's singer concert. I want to experience the atmosphere in it.
Q5 : Which singer do you think is really good?
In Japan, it should be Hi-D and Other country should be Craig David
Q6 : Who is your competitor?
No One. I think that if you have one in your heart, the standard that you will reach is only the standard of you competitor.
Q7 : What do you want to say to Yu?
You are hardworking in dancing
Q8 : What you wanna say to Hisato?
There is no one as black as you in Japan
Q9 : What do you wanna say to Seigo?
please continue to work hard.
Q10 : Exceeds other members' places is?
Q11 : If you're going to have a solo career, what will your music genre be?
R&B slow songs OR rock
Q12 : What is your feeling after you've watch Deep Love?
It is very funny
Q13 : What is your recent favourite song?
Gimmi Urvibes by RYO the SKYWALKER
Q14 : what the charm of Music?
I can listen to it anywhere and anytime
Q15 : Do you think the name FUTURE is better than FLAME?
erm..FLAME is easy to remember so FLAME is better
Q16 : What is your ring size?
I didn't buy any ring recently so i forgot
Q17 : Whan you're playing a finger guessing game, what will you shout?
'Scissors stone cloth' or 'Stone scissors cloth!'
Q18 : What Game you recently bought?
PSP's Everybody's Golf
Q19 : if you must put on perfume, which one will you put on?
CO2 but normally smell like a Amercian type of removing smell deoderizer.
Q20 : You always wear necklace, you brough it yourself?
un! I like LA style
Q21 : Do you have decay tooth?
Now nope.I have it last time and it is already fill in with gold. and 4 of them cost about 100 thousand yen
Q22 : How many times do you brush your teeth in a day?
2 times.I brush when i am bathing and also when i feel uncomfortable
Q23 : What is the advantages of having a father who owns a dental clinic
Look at Ans for Q21. I got free toothpaste and toothbrush too.
Q24 : What is your favorite hairstyle after you debut?
Last year jan when i have my short hair and it looks yankee.Maybe i try braiding my hair next time
Q25 : What television station do you usually watch?
Fuji Tv. I always feel so relieved when i see the host minako nakaya hosting for [Wake up]
Q26 : What sports you wana try next time?
American football
Q27 : Who is your faourite baseball player?
野茂 Hideo san but he is not in that team anymore.
Q28 : What is your highest bowling score recently?
168 in fukouka when i went for a event.
Q29 : How many meters can you swim?
In two hours I can swim 1000 meters. When it comes to swimming I'm in the A group while Hisato is in the D group.I envy them when they can just play water by the pool.
Q30 : Which entertainer you like?
I like 館廣san
Q31 : What is your best subject from the report card?
My PE is always 5 and I'm very proud of it
Q32 : Then what was your worst subject in the report card?
My english only got 1 but i got 3 for listening
Q33 : what did you do that makes your teacher so angry before.
we were playing baseball guessing fingers game and the person that lose have to take her pants off.My friend is taking off his pant and teacher show that and think that it is me who is bulliying him.
Q34 : what your best memorable Graduation tour?
My primary school one when everyone dye their hair to red but we were punish and have to kneel in shinkansen.
Q35 : What will be in your Water bottle when you go for field trip?
Q36 : what kind of talents and thing you learn before?
I've forgotten the order but I've learned the making tea, the abacus, soccer, baseball, swimming, caligraphy, piano, Shaolin kung fu, pronounciation and practise and ETC.I always go to tution class as well
Q37 : what Licenese do you want to get?
A skateboarding insructer
Q38 : When you first come to Tokyo, what was your biggest surprise?
Everybody here speak standard language
Q39 : What the most familar place u know in tokyo?
Q40 : What do you always buy from convenience store?
300yen manga
Q41 : What Magazine do you buy?
I'll buy Shonen jump, JUNON also. Actually it deceives people (laugh)
Q42 : What is the most beautiful scenery you've look at?
At the top of shiroma yama
Q43 : What country do you wanna visit?
Los Angeles of course! I want to go to Norway also to play snowboarding
Q44 : What will you do in the airplane?
Sleep even if i already get enough sleep.
Q45 : If you were living oversea, where will it be?
Los Angeles, I like the atmosphere there seems to gives you a very free feeling
Q46 : If you buy a car, what color will it be?
Q47 : How old were you when you first own a mobile phone?
Around 5 - 6 years old it was a PHS
Q48 : How much is your phone bill every month?
10200 yen each month is about the same
Q49 : The longest time you talk on the phone is
About 6 hours
Q50 : The recent photos u taken?
Pictures from Hatachio ceremony
Q51 : The first time you go to the movie theater, what was the movie?
Dragon ball
Q52 : The movie you've recently watch is
I'm very interested in watching Crayon Shin chan movies!!
Q53 : What movie do you want to watch the sequel?
I want to know "Sam the development of the story
Q54 : Who is the 1st person to be seated at your side when u 1st drove the car
Q55 : Which part you wash first when you're taking a bath?
Q56 : What shampoo u use?
Lux shampoo and conditioner and Macherie for styling my hair.
Q57: What time did you sleep last night?
Last night?I sleep this morning.Busy preparing to move house
Q58 : How do you sleep?
I sleep like a dead man.xDD
Q59 : What is your pillow case color?
Coffee color
Q60 : How do you maintain your skin?
I just watch my face
Q61) Do you have any money problems?
Q62 : What is the most expensive thing in your room?
35-37 inches LCD TV
Q63 : If you have one month holiday, what do you want to do?
I want to play Snowboarding
Q64 : when will you stop recieving New year money?
My grandmother still gives it to me this year
Q66 : How much is your pocket money before this?
When I was in elementary school, I was given 100-120yen
Q67 : What is the most best thing you did recently?
Going to play snowbording in nagano
Q68 : What cartoon collection do you collect?
「『飄ノ男子漢』、『鐵拳對鋼拳』、『搞怪少年』、 『極惡王』、『棒球大聯盟』、『新搞怪少年』、『海賊王』、『灌籃高手』、『莫逆家族』。」
Q69 : What thing you bought recently that you regretted?
The bathroom pad, I don't like it but then I bought a black pad and now the old one is underneath the new one
Q70 : What secret you have never tell anyone?
I have, which has to do with Hisato. Secrets that hisato didn't know?Hmm..i never keep anything from him
Q71 : When will you feel happy?
Together with friends and FLAME members
Q72 : Good points of a Left handed person?
More handsome!!but my maanger is also left handed but i dun find him handsome at all.
Q73 : How do you tell the time?
Looking at the mobile
Q74 : What underpants you're wearing now?
Blue PLAY BOY boxer
Q75 : What type of girls is your 1st love?
A silly girl
Q76 : What cartoon character do you like?
Dragon ball's Masurium, I like her being lively
Q77 : What the manga that you think is hentai when u are young?GOLGO13.The main character did alot of amazing things
Q78 : Have you every cried because of love?
YEs.When the girl i like broke off with me and i cried until the whole pillow is wet.
Q79 : If you want to go on a date, where will you go?
I will like to go to see sakura at 多摩川*at yokohama
Q80 : How to retain a long-time relationship?
If there is any, please tell me (laugh) i am also trying to work it out now
Q81 : What will you response if your girl friend fart?
I'll say "It's smelly" (laugh) I'll tell her jokes to melts her awkwardness
Q82 : If you farted infront of your girlfriend?
I'll say "is it very smelly?" (laugh)
Q83 : What type of love do you want to have?
Tranquil, relieved feeling
Q84 : What type of action do you like a girl to make?
When she laugh, she will cover her face
Q85 : WHat type of action you don't like a girl to make?
Trying to act mature
Q86 : Before you breakup, what does she say?
She say that it is not that she dislike me just that when we quarrel i always don't response and have no reaction.
Q87 : When do you wanna get married?
27 years old, I want to have my second child by the time I reach 30...and I hope that Hisato's children will be the same age as my children
Q88 : If you must hold a wedding ceremony, where will you held it?
If it's summer then I'll go to Hawaii, if it's winter, I'll go to Sweden
Q89 : You want a grand wedding or just an ordinary ceremony?
I don't mind. If she want to take the hot balloon, I can with it. If she want to hold it like a parade, I can be like a crown prince and sit and waves hand in the vehicle to everyone (laugh)
Q90 : If your girlfriend cheat on you, what will you do?
His face expression
Q91) charming place?
Q92 : When do you think you're Lousy
My smiles.Sometimes i felt that my smile is disgusting
Q93 : Have you ever won a prize from a draw contest?
Yes! I won a T-shirt because I send in 100 letters to participate
Q94 : Besides blue color, what is your other fav color?
Silver, also baby blue
Q95 : Recently what was the reason you lost your temper?
My Manager will say tml we will meet at XXpm and did u finish your work already? and keep on repeating it and i get annoy by it
Q96 : What do you feel intense recently?
When I fall during playing snowboarding
Q97 : How do you react when you're drunk?
Will talk alot of things, and cry when i talk about some thing
Q98 : What blood type does the other thought you were?
Standard O or AB. Do I look like AB? Is a genius
Q99 : What animal do the other thought you were?
Wolf...or maybe panda
Q100 : If you suddenly become an animal, what will you be?
I want to become moneky because moneky is very active. O want to become the Japanese monkey king soaking in the hot spring and let the humans to flim it.
Q101 : If you sees a cockroach in your room, what will you do?
Kill it immediately, I'm not scare of cockroach. I will take paper wo cover the cockroach body then clean my hand
Q102 : How much money you'll put in your wallet? (so you will feel ease)
I think 30000-40000 but only has 1500 yen
Q103 : Do you like children?
Sure I would like to have my own child but I don't like bad children
Q104 : Do you want a boy or a girl?
I prefer boy
Q105 : Sibbling that you want to have?
Younger brother younger than me, younger sister? i don't think i can speak that much to her.
Q106 : Please tell us something you know
Ronpongi Hills. It is name after 6 names that have a GI in it. (wow Yusuke) lol
Q107 : What thing u wana to operate in Gundam MS?
Q108 : What kind of vendor machine do you want?
I perfer Drinks vending machine so i can have my coke and melon drinks and all other kind of drinks in it
Q109 : If you must build a house, what type of house will you build?
My dream house will be the Japanese castle type, I think I can ask the designer to help me build
Q110 : If you can have a middle name what will it be?
I already have MGF (Mista.Gold Finger) because i always like to pose with my finers infront of the cam. (sure not something else? Sorry mind in the gutter haha)
Q111 : Where do you want to go now?
There's no at present. It's very good here
Q113 : When was the time you like yourself being a guy?
Q114 : Who do you think the strongest wrestle is?
Andy Hug
Q115 : Which spors u think u can get a Gold Medal in the olympic games
I think i can only get a silver at most
Q116 : If you are a professional player, what number do u want to be?
5 seems to be very strong, then 5
Q117 : What games do you want to recomment to girls?
Wining Eleven
Q118 : If a manga is going to shoot as a movie.Which manga to u want it to be?
飄ノ男子.The brother
Q119 : If you become a girl oneday, what do you want to do?
I want to go to Shibuya 109 and see what is inside
Q120 : If you are a girl, which member you don't want to be his gf?
Seigo. It seems that his skills in sex is bad.
Q121 : if you are the boss of Osaka Tiger's Club, what u will do? Baseball.
I will get those who are from Osaka and also player from kansai areas.
Q122 : Do you believe in God?
Q123 : If you hit a 3 million yen lottery, what will you do?
Thanks god! (wow.....hahaha XD)
Q124: What kind of ramen do u like?
Pork Ribs bones.
Q125: what the 1st thing u will be?
Q126) way that you bbq your meat?
I bbq until they are half raw.
Q127: If you can only eat this food forever?
Q128 : Things that MUST be in the Oden (one japanese kind of food)
Q129: Weak point?
I am too careful
Q130: If you are a teacher in secondary school, what subject u wan to teach?
Japanese history. Don't want P.E because you have to wear the P.E attire everyday. (wow, I want him as my teacher so hot)
Q131 Which day of the week u like the best?
Monday. Because it is the release of Shonen Jump.
Q132 : Body part that you are confident in
My Packs. The shape and line can be seen cleaer than Yuu. (hahah)
Q133 : Your Idea Weight & heigh?
I am ok with my Height and weigh about 75kg
Q134 : What will you be doing after 10years?
Body Building Man. Just kidding. Maybe i still continue to sing
Q135:What kind of professional player u want to be?
Baseball player. Don't have to run so much and yearly pay is very high. I want to join in the Osaka team.
Q136: How would you spend you day if it is the end of the world?
With my family or Members or the ones that i love. If i can marry and have children it will be the best
Q137: Your LAST Dinner?
Melon.> <>
Q138: Which places that you can stay the longest?
Snowbording centres.
Q139: what the most use sentance or words that u always say?
Q140: How long is your legs?
90 cm
Q141: Whose face do you think it is very handsome?
Glay Teru.
Q142: What thing that you think you are lack in?
Patient i think
Q143: Where will you go?? Heaven or Hell?
I think should be hell but if there is a middle, i choose the middle but still nearer to hell.
Q144: what word u like the most?
Q145: If you discover a New planet, what will you name it?
Q146: If you age can be stopped, when will u wish to be?
now. 20 years old
Q147 : Things that you think u should do when u are young?
Alot of things.I should be crazier when i am in secondary school
Q148 : If you born in War period?
I will die in war.
Q149) say 3 things that you are afraid to face it?
Big dog, Raw green paper and Hisato
Q150) Last thing to say to Junon?
It is so troublesome but it is very fun too.